Dr. Csaszar, MD joined the Canby clinic in February, 2017. He graduated magna cum laude from Middlebury College with a degree in Philosophy and Neuroscience. He then worked as a consultant in science and technology policy in Boston before matriculating to the University of Connecticut School of Medicine where he earned his MD in 2009. He completed his training as a family physician with the Providence Oregon Family Medicine Residency in Milwaukie.
“I chose to be a family doc because no two people are alike and no two days are alike. I sincerely enjoy helping patients understand their health, and how the abundant amount of information available to patients applies to them.”
In addition to general family practice, caring for people of all ages, Dr. Csaszar has an interest in sports medicine. He performs a unique and wide variety of injections to keep people moving, and he is active in providing support to patients around diet, exercise, and weight loss. He has published articles on Plica Syndrome of the knee and Adhesive Capsulitis of the shoulder, been active in providing sports event coverage in the area, and has been featured in local newspaper, radio and television. He grew up playing baseball and hockey and then transitioned to running where he competed in marathons and ultramarathons.
Dr. Csaszar is a board certified family physician and in 2021 earned the Degree of Fellow from the American Academy of Family Physicians. Fellows are a distinguished group of physicians, recognized as going above and beyond in their professional development, professional services, and community service.